Can you tell us a bit about Peterson EV?
Based in the UK, Peterson EV re-engineer original automotive instruments using newly-developed integration electronics and in-house printing techniques. Essential for low-volume vehicle developers, ‘Restomod’ businesses and electric classic car converters, Peterson EV’s analogue gauges display updated vehicle performance attributes via a newly installed CANbus system.
Peterson EV consists of a team of well-established Mechanical, Software and Electronic Engineers as well as Visual Artists. Their high-quality instruments are engineered to be smooth, precise and responsive and along with sophisticated visual design and in-house printing, the instruments can retain their style and heritage while offering an even better driver experience than before.
Engineering automotive parts, rather than building whole vehicles gives Peterson EV a strong product focus, which has made them specialists in this area.
How did you hear about us?
Over the last several years, Peterson EV have built strong relationships in this area of the automotive industry. Global Workshop was recommended to Peterson EV by some of their most-valued customers including Alan Mann Racing, Retropower and Redux Leichtbau.
What problem were you trying to solve?
Peterson EV have projects covering a wide range of instruments across multiple car types and manufacturers, which means keeping track of each project across the team can be challenging.
Being a design company that works with visual imagery each day, Peterson EV felt they would benefit from a visual management system that was easy to use, rather than a standard spreadsheet system. A trial of Global Workshop was undertaken to see if it could help to ascertain hours spent per project using timesheets across multiple projects.
How was the problem affecting you?
It can be easy to make assumptions on the estimated hours spent on a project, but by not tracking hours correctly the team were underestimating the number of hours spent by each person working on the same project.
Why did you choose to go ahead with GlobalWorkshop?
There is a visible Restomod business community in the UK and Rowan and Caroline as part of GlobalWorkshop are central figures among key businesses in this industry. Rowan and Caroline are clearly passionate about their product and offer a free trial and a no-contract option because they believe GlobalWorkshop offers a great management solution to Automotive, Marine and Aviation industries.
How has GlobalWorkshop assisted your business?
Peterson EV are now able to track hours more accurately across projects. The visual-based system and being able to store photos of each job helps to save time and adds to traceability within their own quality system, especially as a lot of instruments are bespoke.
GlobalWorkshop also allows the analysis of which products are profitable and which are not, based on time spent and business outcomes.
What would you say to other people considering us?
Peterson EV would recommend GlobalWorkshop to other businesses.
The benefit of the phone app is a great asset to a busy team dealing with a variety of issues and projects where core communication is key to a successful outcome.
When using the free trial and as an on-going customer, you will receive excellent support and customer service that is both friendly and professional.
What's next for GlobalWorkshop at Peterson EV?
One of the additional benefits is the parts labelling system which we look to use shortly.
Photos credit Peterson EV, photographer: Ralph Bohannon (Ferrari Photos)
Case Study: Peterson EV
client since:
September 2023

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Purpose built for the needs of Automotive, Marine and Aviation industries. GlobalWorkshop is a service provided by Clever Robots Limited.

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