GlobalWorkshop SmartCodes
A game-changing system allowing immediate access to reference information, all from a simple QR coded label.
01. Select
Choose a timeline update, privacy setting, label style and text - instantly the smart code is created.
02. Print
Print label using Android or desktop app and attach to part, box, shelf or documentation you want to reference
03. Scan
Scan the code at any time in future to access defined reference material, with privacy restrictions as required
02. GlobalWorkshop Smart Codes
Link reference media to the real world
Launching for all customers in August 2022 is our SmartCode system.
Unlock reference material by making it instantly accessible, linked to the real world. Be it a location on a vehicle, or the parts stored in a warehouse - simply attach a label generated from GlobalWorkshop which can be scanned at any time in future.
Accessible by anyone
No app needs to be installed, simply scan the label from most modern smartphones and the camera will instantly recognise the QR code and open that item.
Easy to create
From our Android app, you can create a label printed directly from a WiFi enabled Brother Printer for any of your timeline updates.
Supported printers : QL820NWB, P900W
Private or Public
You can select the privacy level so either your staff or clients with GlobalWorkshop can access the scan, or you can make it publicly visible to all. Your choice.
Unlimited uses
Wiring diagrams, tear-down & assembly procedure videos, service history notes, suspension setup, inspection videos, part warranty information and more.

See how easy it is to create a smart code
Content credit: Dawn Treader Performance Ltd

Professional Brother Labeling integration
We certify the QL-820NWB & PT-P900W to work with our GlobalWorkshop Pro Android & iPhone Apps. We recommend this printer as it has the following features:
- Print wirelessly With the GlobalWorkshop Pro app on the same WiFi network as your printer, you can print labels direct from the phone
- Durable, laminated labels These labels won't easily fall off, or be smudged. Brother offers a variety of label widths and adhesive types. To ensure maxmimum scan effectiveness we recommend 36mm tape with black on white color.
- Half-Cuts Okay so there's one thing everyone hates about labels, and it's peeling them off. Not with this printer - it has a half cut feature so that label is pre-cut away from the backing paper making it easy to peel.
About Us
Purpose built for the needs of Automotive, Marine and Aviation industries. GlobalWorkshop is a service provided by Clever Robots Limited.

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Our Contacts
Leicestershire, United Kingdom
Auckland, New Zealand
Nelson, New Zealand
Phone: +44 1908 736946 (UK)
Phone: +64 3 569 3019 ext 800 (NZ)